Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I was planning on writing about the crazy Chicago snowstorm and below zero temperatures, but everyone knows how frightful Chicago weather can be.

Then, I was thinking about writing about a guy I saw on my walk to work through the snow this morning. He was roller-blading - or trying to - down the Randolph Ave. sidewalk. He had to go pretty slowly, considering the snow kept getting caught in the wheels, forcing him to stop rolling.

But that's just plain weird and attention-seeking. I mean, what did he do on his way out this morning? Did he look out the window and say, "Gee, it's snowing, so I better get my rollerblades on?" ?!?! What I've written is more than enough attention for that dude.

On to more, well, interesting topics?

An interesting guy randomly walked into the office today. His name is Richard (no last name given) and he takes things companies no longer need or want to get rid of, like furniture or cabinets, or binding equipment. Somewhat normal. He's a trash collector.

But he's also so much more. He also declared that he "finds stuff."

"What stuff?" I asked.

"Anything you can't easily find through normal channels," he said. "I'm not talking about pens and pads of paper. I'm talking about things that you search and search for and can't seem to find. I'm good at finding anything, like lost file cabinet bars, just to name one example."

Completely intrigued, I asked where he found all the miscellaneous things that people asked for.

But he didn't give away his secret, instead declaring that he has various channels that he finds the items people ask for. "So, if you think of anything, you just call me, 'when you get around to it' because if you don't ask, I can't say yes!"

He handed me the token (see pic above), to remind me, yet again, to call 'when I get around to it.'

He also handed me a flyer that proclaimed he was also well-versed in fixing things around the office, like file cabinets or even chairs.

And then, last but not least, he handed over his business card, below. Apparently, he really is "a man OUTSTANDING in his field." Ha.

Meeting Richard has been the highlight of my work day. It's good to know that there are real, genuine handyman out there who know how to find and do anything you ask.

If you live in Chicago, look him up. (All you have to do is google, "JUST CALL RICHARD"). I'm sure he'll be glad to help you out. And after all, he can't say "YES" if you don't ask!

1 comment:

Adam Rowe said...

we have a collection of his flyers hanging up in our office!