Monday, January 12, 2009

Don't be shy, reply!

It's not as awesome as National Speak-Like-A-Pirate Day, but it's still a holiday that everyone online should be aware of: it's National Delurking Day 2009! I discovered this on Misadventures with Andi and think the word needs to be spread. So, if you visit my site and read my blog, it's time for you to comment (even if I don't know you)!

Don't be shy, reply.

And don't worry about replying to this post (although you can if you want), I'd be happy to have a comment on any of my posts thus far, because, seriously people, I know you're out there, I know you're reading this, and I want some comments on what I've been writing! =)

1 comment:

Andi said...

Thanks for the shout-out!