Sunday, March 1, 2009

Attempt No. 2

I’m on the NaBloPoMo March Blogroll, meaning I’m attempting the feat of blogging every day for the entire month, yet again. I know, I know. I said it didn’t work in the way I wanted it too when I did it back in January. But perhaps it was because I felt stuck with my novel, and had a really bad case of the writer’s block?

In any case, the writing floodgates have opened. Last night, I had my first late-night writing session since grad school—a good eight months or so ago—which is the longest I’ve been without one of those in quite some time. Ideas are flooding out at a pace that I feel like I can’t keep up with, which is more than invigorating. I seek out the keyboard, or the pen and notebook, rather than cringe at the thought of trying to come up with what comes next.

I figure that I can encourage these ideas, and keep them a’coming, if I keep posting to the blog. So, that’s my progress, and the blog is what holds me accountable.


Farnnay said...

Good luck with the nablopomo. im sure its going to be a pain in the butt. but hopefully you'll be able to do it!

Liz S said...

Thanks for the encouragement!

Chuck Dilmore said...

We love the sound of floodgates!
(They open when they need to!)
